Episode 52 – Let People Be Who They Are


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I see it all the time. Business owners and managers hire people to do a job and try to cram them into this vision they have for their business. When their staff becomes unhappy, upset, and sometimes end up quitting, they can’t seem to figure out why.

I’m a firm believer on letting people be exactly who they are. This can include helping them to let go of bad behaviors or limiting beliefs, but it also means helping them to rise to their own potential by holding a place for them to reach through their own capabilities and strengths.

When people start forcing their vision on others without opening themselves up to a little diversity is when they find themselves a little stuck. If you play off of people’s strengths instead of wishing they were something they are not, you will get so much more out of them.

Diversity and adversity create innovation. Look at your vision you have for your business. The difference you want to make and the experiences you want to bring to life, these cannot be done all by ourselves. At a certain point, you need to surround yourself with the right team of people to help you continue to grow. But this doesn’t mean finding people to boss around. It should be about sharing that vision you have with people you trust so they can bring their own creative ideas to the table to reach that vision quicker or maybe in a way you hadn’t yet thought of.

There are endless personality types out there and to think that everyone you hire is going to have the same mindset is a bit silly. Figure out what it is you need your team to look like, look at the team you have, and see how the two fit together. Talk to them. Find out everyone’s strengths and their weaknesses as well. If we set people up to fail, we can’t be surprised when exactly that happens. Set them up for success and watch them succeed.

Visions can change. It’s almost inevitable that they do, and what helps to shape and mold them into new visions year after year is diversity and adversity. Problems with the old vision arise, and you need to come up with new ways to overcome them. The more people you have on your team, the more mindsets and personalities you have tackling these problems. With more brains working hard in different ways to solve an issue, the more creative solutions you will have. This is the innovation that is required to keep you and your business moving in the right direction.

Sometimes you come across people that no matter what, just don’t fit your vision at all. You’ve tried things differently to get them on board with everything but things still aren’t working out. They will eventually end up weeding themselves out or you thank them for working for you and let them know it’s time to part ways instead of trying to make them something that they are not. It will only stress you out and inhibit your own growth.

I like to teach people to remember a few things when building their team:

  • Know what you need. What kind of people are needed to fill these roles necessary to reaching your vision?Not just physical bodies, but the type of person. What do they look like? What’s important to them? What are they good at? Clarity is power. The clearer you are on this, the more you can develop a team of people that can help you reach you goals.
  • Understand the core values. Sit down with your team and do an exercise where each person writes out their core values. When you have this laid out in front of you, it becomes much easier to see what is important to who and how this fits into your grander picture for the business.
  • Communicate the vision. Make it clear what it is you are really trying to do with this business and it will automatically attract people that want to work towards that. They can see how much you care about reaching your goals and they want to help and step up so you can all get there together.
  • Build a culture of inclusion, not exclusion. Give your staff a chance to hone in their own skills, to grow and learn new things so they can really step into whatever it is they are doing. If we put people in a box and say “This is what you are going to do and you’re going to like it, no matter what”, they won’t go anywhere. Let them, and help them, to have a little personal development and it could work in your favor.
  • Give your staff some responsibility. When you give people a chance to own something, to have a goal to work towards and really have it be theirs, they put that much more care into it and that shows up in the business.

When everyone involved feels like they are heard, like they really matter in this business and their part in it all makes a difference, they produce better work, because they want to be better themselves. Through others’ personal development mixed with their own creativity from each unique experience they’ve gone through in life, comes growth for your business because it is being run by people who all have similar visions for their future and the brainpower to get there.

If you enjoyed this episode and in some way, it inspired you to start taking action, I’d love to hear about it and know your biggest takeaway. Send me a DM on Instagram @theresacantley and let me know what your favorite part was.

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If there is a topic you would love me to talk about or a question you may have, send it to us at theresa@theresacantley.com and we’ll feature it on one of our future episodes.


Episode 51 – Create Your Own Success Formula

Episode 50 – 5 Big Lessons from 50 Episodes

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