Episode 51 – Create Your Own Success Formula


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I wanted to talk this week about creating your own success formula. Some of the things I’ve been talking about recently with my integrator on my team led me to want to bring up this topic. She helps me stay on track and test out new content. She loads stuff on to Instagram for me and creates Wavve files and everything in between. I’ve worked with her for quite some time and we’ve had these weekly conversations about all different things and what came to mind the other day was how to create your own success formula and what does that look like.

One of the big things that I get into when I work with people is teaching them how to set goals. Where a lot of people go wrong is they don’t create a process that helps them to achieve that goal. Creating this process is part of what you need to do to create your own success formula.

Again, when I was talking with my integrator, I started to think about how everything I teach to people and how I try to help them build better businesses, I’m actually teaching them how to create their own success formula. It’s less about the goal and more about how you get to achieving it.

Some of my clients can sit down and go off of my framework and try to create what they think is a process and it doesn’t work for them. That’s because it has to be unique to them. To get the results they want, they have to really sit down and clearly define what success looks like to them, not just in general. The more you tailor your process to your needs is when you will start to see that growth and success.

Three of my newer clients have all had exponential growth with having only worked with them for a short period of time. As I was analyzing everything I realized what they all had in common was they got super clear on what their success formulas looked like quicker than most. They planned out goals and aligned their actions with them and went back and measured and assessed and if it worked, great. If it didn’t, back to square one with a little more knowledge. The more you plan and those plans align, the more you can execute.

What it comes down to is 7 key elements to go about creating your own success formula.

  1. What does success mean to you? For some, this could be a number.  But many people I know and have worked with will reach a number they said they wanted to reach and are not satisfied. Maybe it’s having financial freedom, mental peace of mind, or making a positive impact on the world. Whatever it is, the clearer you are on that, the clearer the rest will be.
  2. Know what you want. If you fill your day with things that don’t serve you or your desires, then what are you doing? Focus your energy towards the things you want in life and let go of what’s holding you back from that.
  3. Know what you DON’T want. These go hand-in-hand. As much as you should focus on the things you want, you also have to learn what it is you don’t want in order to stay in alignment with that vision of success.
  4. Build your blueprint. Look at where you want to be in a year. What will it take to get there? From there, work backwards in the sense that you have already completed these things, so how did you do it? Reengineer your year so that you are taking daily steps towards this goal.
  5. Surround yourself with good people. This is super important. The energy you surround yourself with is the energy that will support you on your way to success. Make sure these energies inspire you and move you forward.
  6. Create processes. Make sure you have these ways of getting things done that don’t drain you or leave you feeling like you aren’t going anywhere. These processes will come from all of the steps leading up to this, from knowing what you want and who you want to be around and a blueprint to lay it all out before you. The more everyone and everything is in alignment with your plan for success, the more success will come your way.
  7. Look back on the process you just completed. Celebrate the things that worked, find the lessons in what didn’t. Sometimes we are all moving so fast that we forget to just sit back and reflect on all that went on. The more we can do this final important step, the more we will learn on how to better ourselves in the future.

To help get you started on creating your own formula, I have included a link to my audio download and vision worksheet.This will assist you in digging into what your vision is and how to go about working towards it to really grow your business. Get started on it now, I know you are going to do amazing things in this world and I want to help you get there.

If you enjoyed this episode and in some way, it inspired you to start taking action, I’d love to hear about it and know your biggest takeaway. Send me a DM on Instagram @theresacantley and let me know what your favorite part was.

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If there is a topic you would love me to talk about or a question you may have, send it to us at theresa@theresacantley.com and we’ll feature it on one of our future episodes.


Episode 50 – 5 Big Lessons from 50 Episodes

Episode 49 – Why Defining Your Core Values is Important

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