Episode 50 - 5 Big Lessons from 50 Episodes

Episode 50 – 5 Big Lessons from 50 Episodes


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Starting my podcast was always a huge dream of mine. To think I’ve done 50 episodes already is unbelievable to me. Throughout the creating and recording of these episodes, I learned a lot and wanted to share these lessons with you.

I talked a few weeks ago about what it takes to be “great”. I wanted so badly to be a famous actress or famous fashion designer when I was younger because I thought fame and fortune were what made someone great. But greatness can only come from within, from how you take your life experiences and use them to your advantage and to really show up each and every day as the person you want to be, because you are already that person. I am already that great person I want to be. Starting this podcast has really helped me step into being that great version of myself by making one of my main focuses to help others be the greatest version of themselves.

A lot has happened over 50 episodes that could have discouraged me to stop making more, but instead I use them as just another life lesson to help move me forward. The first lesson I learned when recording my podcast was that perfection does not exist. I would record an episode and listen back and pick it apart. I didn’t like how my voice sounded, I would stumble over my words. I thought there was no way I could put this out for people to see. But I’ve gotten used to the imperfections and realized that it is more important that I get my message out there and into the world rather than have to re-record every episode until I was happy with every detail. Life is a work in progress and I learn as I go and don’t look back.

The second lesson that I learned was that I can’t do all this myself. If you can surround yourself with a team of people, small or big, that can ease the workload and to help keep you on track, your life will be so much better. Don’t spend your time stressing over all of the little things when there are people around you willing to take the weight off your shoulders a bit so you can really focus on what you need to get done.

Number three, consistency is key. It can seem extremely overwhelming, even for myself, when I write out all the content I need to create and look at it in front of me, it seems impossible to complete. But I started planning out my content, batching podcast recordings, and staying consistent with when I post things and how I go about it. If I do things last minute or on the fly is when I start to see things fall through the cracks. The beginning of this podcast was bumpy, but the more I started to be consistent and get into a rhythm of recording/editing/posting was when it started to smooth out for me.

Looking for the lessons is something I try to do with every life endeavor and is also number four on my list today. I often make episodes about “what I learned” doing something or talking with someone, just as today’s episode is about the lessons I learned from my podcasts. Whatever it is you face today or the next day, don’t look at it as “why is this happening to me?”, but what it is trying to tell you. Dig deeper for your reasoning and you will find more than you expected.

Lastly, my fifth lesson I want to share with you today is to just be you. Who I am and who you are is enough. I used to think I had to be just like everybody else, to do what they do and be successful like they are. But I am not them, you are not them, you are you and I am me and that is enough. Each and every one of us has so much to bring to this world that it would be a shame to waste it trying to be somebody else.

As my gift to you for making it to 50 episodes and watching along, I have included a link to my audio download and vision worksheet. This will assist you in digging into what your vision is and how to go about working towards it to really grow your business. Get started on it now, I know you are going to do amazing things in this world and I want to help you get there. Here’s to 50, to 500 more episodes!

If you enjoyed this episode and in some way, it inspired you to start taking action, I’d love to hear about it and know your biggest takeaway. Send me a DM on Instagram @theresacantley and let me know what your favorite part was.

I would also love if you subscribed to the podcast and left a review at https://theresacantley.com/itunes

If there is a topic you would love me to talk about or a question you may have, send it to us at theresa@theresacantley.com and we’ll feature it on one of our future episodes.


Episode 49 – Why Defining Your Core Values is Important

Episode 48 – What will your legacy be?

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