Episode 49 - Why defining your core values is important

Episode 49 – Why Defining Your Core Values is Important


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Part of creating that iconic signature experience I’m always talking about is really figuring out what your core values are. When I work with people and have them sit down and really define what those are, I get a lot of push back. They think it very woo-woo and that is doesn’t have anything to do with growth strategy, but in actuality, our values are what drives our business.

This podcast episode is number 49 for me! If it wasn’t for my core values, I would not have gotten to this many episodes. Next week, my 50th episode will be all about lessons I’ve learned through creating my podcast, coming up with content from my own experiences, and staying consistent even in tough times. Though it may seem a small feat for others, sticking to what I believe in has helped me to continue to create and strive to constantly improve.

Anyone with major success has reached that status because of a vision they had. They sat and thought out a mental map by defining what it is that drives them and what they want to accomplish and what brings all of this together are those core values. They act as a guide through this map of where you are and where you want to be. When you have a clear vision and understanding of your values, you will always be going in the right direction.

So when you go to define your core values, a lot of times people may just write down some words that they don’t actually live by. They say this is what they believe, but show up in a completely different light. For these core values to actually guide you to success, you must really feel them. Make them a part of your daily business and they will help to determine the actions and decisions we make. They will inevitably make us more responsible in our business and to other people by showing up how we say we are going to.

When we say one thing and do another, this reflects in our business. What business owners should be constantly doing is building a culture. Make your values and beliefs crystal clear, act accordingly, and the rest will follow. Your staff will know your vision and see how you back that up through your work. They then step up to also work towards this vision because they can see their purpose and role in it all. And when everyone is working in harmony with similar goals the business will thrive and customers will have an understanding of what it is you do through better experiences.

Core values are so much more than words in a book. They define you, your business, and when well-communicated, they will rub off on those around you. Going back to the basics is what your business boils down to, and if you don’t have those figured out, you can’t successfully move forward to the things you want to achieve.

If you enjoyed this episode and in some way, it inspired you to start taking action, I’d love to hear about it and know your biggest takeaway. Send me a DM on Instagram @theresacantley and let me know what your favorite part was.

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If there is a topic you would love me to talk about or a question you may have, send it to us at theresa@theresacantley.com and we’ll feature it on one of our future episodes.


Core Values Free Download

Episode 48 – What will your legacy be?

Episode 47 – The Power of a Signature Process

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