Episode 53 – Clear Expectations

Episode 53 – Clear Expectations


To download a transcription of this episode click here.

Clear expectations. A concept that is so easy it is often forgotten about. Almost as if people just assume that others know what is expected of them. And you know what they say about assumptions.

One of the main things that is super important in creating a signature experience for your business is to first create a healthy work environment. When creating this environment, you want to focus on four main realms: Wealth, Health, Happiness, and Creativity. Create a space for your employees, your leadership team, but also yourself to be able to succeed healthily in all of these areas.

So where to start? Look first at the vision and the mission and the purpose of your business. Then look at your core values, and maybe some goals that you have set out for others to reach. All of these things together and making sure your entire staff is on board with them help to create this environment. Make it well known to each and every person in your business what your expectations of them are. This avoids getting into any gray area.

A lot of times role definitions will get glossed over. A manager is hired to delegate tasks and create an employee schedule, but if they never get explained to them what it really means to be a manager, they won’t know any different. Let them know that mangers are so much more than that. They lead and inspire others. They are responsible for carrying out the vision of the business. But if they don’t know these things are expected of them, how can they be the ones to blame? If they don’t know their greater purpose how can they rise to their highest potential?

In essence, we want to get across to everyone is what we are trying to do by running this business, and how we are trying to do it. Communicating this in a clear and concise manner and backing it up on a daily basis is how we gain the trust of those we interact with. This also allows us to hold integrity towards not just others but ourselves as well. We know what we need to do and if we do not follow through it’s on us.

Once the expectation foundation has been built, that’s when you can start to build everything else on top of it. Employees know their role and take responsibility of it and this is communicated to the customer through the interactions and experiences you provide. When everyone is in alignment, your business will begin to thrive.

This alignment will help us when we are planning projects, communicating strategic objectives on how we want to grow and expand our business. When everyone is in the same boat it is so much easier to set goals and reach them. It seems so simple but it is what a lot of businesses struggle with. They don’t take the time to communicate what it is they want because they just expect it. But clarity is power. People take action on things when they know which direction to go in. When they don’t have that direction is when they start to make up their own rules, and that’s when things can start to get chaotic.

I have a client who owns a store and we went over their new hire process a while back. He told me how they are taught to ring items in, and how to handle returns and what not. But that was about it. There was no communication of what the business’ vision really was and their role in it. So when customers had specific questions they answered with things that really didn’t make sense or were pronounced wrong. But they simply did not know better. They do what they are taught and make the rest up as they go.

Three things you can do to set some expectations are:

  1. Have meetings on a regular basis. Keep everyone in the loop on current and upcoming projects, or possibly some problems that are going on that could better be addressed by everyone.
  2. Communicate to everybody. Every single person in your business, from top management to dishwasher, make it super clear what it is we are all trying to do here.
  3. Set regular goals. They don’t always have to be big, huge ones. Just make sure that everyone is always working towards something and working to better themselves.

Create a healthy environment to inspire those around you to get on board with what the vision for your business is and you will no longer have to “force” anyone to do their jobs. Having clarity on what it is you want and making that well known will attract the right people and turn the wrong ones away.

I have included a link to my audio download and vision worksheet. This will assist you in digging into what your vision is and how to go about working towards it to really grow your business. Get started on it now, I know you are going to do amazing things in this world and I want to help you get there.

If you enjoyed this episode and in some way, it inspired you to start taking action, I’d love to hear about it and know your biggest takeaway. Send me a DM on Instagram @theresacantley and let me know what your favorite part was.

I would also love if you subscribed to the podcast and left a review at https://theresacantley.com/itunes

If there is a topic you would love me to talk about or a question you may have, send it to us at theresa@theresacantley.com and we’ll feature it on one of our future episodes.


Episode 52 – Let People Be Who They Are

Episode 51 – Create Your Own Success Formula

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