entrepreneur walking

The Badass Factor

Here’s a fact: we all have an inner badass that helps fuel our resilience.

Today, Theresa is diving into a topic incredibly relevant for navigating the challenges of business ownership and leadership. She discusses the concept of resilience and tapping into your inner badass factor to overcome obstacles and emerge stronger than ever.

Through years of dedication and perseverance in disciplines like taekwondo, jujitsu, and hapkido, Theresa has gleaned insights that transcend the confines of the dojo and translate seamlessly into the world of business leadership.

In this episode you will learn seven key principles that comprise the essence of the badass factor, each offering a roadmap to overcoming obstacles, embracing challenges, and leading with courage in the face of adversity.

More in this episode:

  • Embrace your unique strengths to lead with courage.
  • Develop a mindset of radical resilience.
  • Strive for greatness in all aspects of your business.

Until next time, stay resilient, stay courageous, and keep leading with your badass factor.


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