Episode 69 – Moving Forward

Episode 69 – Moving Forward

We’re currently getting ready for the “green phase” of re-opening businesses where I live and restarting the economy. There’s been so many changes and updates along the way in how we approach business from here on out and it’s left a lot of business owners out there to feel a lot of uncertainty. The most important thing to remember when moving forward is simply to be more introspective; how can we be part of the solution instead of part of the problem?

In yoga, alignment is an essential tool. If you aren’t doing a pose in alignment with yourself and you try to force yourself into it, you’ll end up getting hurt. I believe this also applies heavily to running a business and being a leader. If you are doing things and making decisions for your business that don’t align with the things you believe in, your business will hurt from it. The things that you know to be the right things and the core values you have as a person and want reflected in your business, those are the things we need to always keep in mind when making any kind of decision. If something we want to do does not align with any of that, then we probably shouldn’t go that route

This is an especially tough time to stay on track when our worlds are being thrown for a whirl almost every day, but we must persist. For when we start to stray off our paths, we start to go backwards. Going back to the things we know is easy and we’re comfortable there. We’re afraid to step out of that comfort zone towards the things we really want. We only want to keep moving forward, every day.

Success may not always show up in the ways that we want it to, so we might just have to dig a little deeper and find out what it is we really need and what is being given to us as an opportunity. Maybe you aren’t seeing the revenue growth you want to see or the foot traffic increase to your liking. Those things will come. But before you’ll start to see the growth in those areas, there has to be some amount of personal growth to be had. Look at how you as a person, as a leader, are showing up for the world around you. Does it align with your beliefs and core values? If not, it may be time to make some changes. To start to see real change happen in the world around you in the things you cannot control, the changes must first be made with ourselves. If we can show up for the people that need us and that we need in a way that allows them to rise to their highest potentials as workers, as humans, that is how we change the world.

Just 6 months ago, life as we knew it was completely different. A lot has happened since then, but I don’t see us going back to the way things were. Going back to a world with so many problems and so little solution. No, we are only moving forward from here on out. Not everyone is going to be along for the ride and that’s okay. You might lose employees, or have a few unhappy customers that don’t like the “new normal”, but all that means is those people aren’t in alignment with your vision. This is your business, your life, and the only thing you can do is what you believe to be the right thing.

No one out there has all the answers, nor will they ever. But if we can remain true to ourselves and our employees and our customers, we can slowly shape the world around us and use that to our advantage. Use it to spread happiness and culture throughout our community. To create a place of acceptance and equality and then, and only then, will we know true success.

If you enjoyed this episode and in some way it inspired you to start taking action, I’d love to hear about it and know your biggest take away. Send me a DM on Instagram @theresacantley and let me know what your favorite part was.  

I would also love if you subscribed to the podcast and left a review at https://theresacantley.com/itunes

If there is a topic you would love me to talk about or a question you may have send it to us at theresa@theresacantley.com and we’ll feature it on one of our future episodes.

Don’t forget to take advantage of my FREE download, 10 Tips Towards Massive Growth, to learn how to jump-start your business to get back on it’s track towards success.


Episode 68 – 3 Things You Can Create Now to Get the Success You Want in 2020

Episode 67 – Building Resilience

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