Episode 68 – 3 Things You Can Create Now to Get the Success You Want in 2020

Episode 68 – 3 Things You Can Create Now to Get the Success You Want in 2020

Today, I want to talk a little bit about what you need to create success this year. I know you’re probably thinking “With all that’s been going on, how on earth are we going to do that?”, and as I talked about last week, you just need some resilience. It keeps us moving forward no matter what our circumstances.

Once you have the resilience part down, there are three things you need to create to really bring forward that success in 2020. I believe this is the year of reinvention and redefinition. Of ourselves, our business, and even society as we know it. And it’s all for the better.

The first thing you want to try and create to get the ball rolling is a strategy. One that we build into our business that is based around our vision and our core values and reflects them. It may seem difficult to focus on a strategy when everyone’s main concern at this point is just keeping their head above water. But when we have already built that resilience into our business that keeps us going, we’re able to focus on this strategy more because we aren’t worried about the unknown. We welcome adversity with open arms and are ready to deal with whatever it has to offer.

The second thing you want to build into your business is a culture. One that is inclusive and diverse and makes people feel welcome, so that they continue to come back. This goes not just for your customer and the experience they have while at your place of business, but for all of the people that work for you as well. The people that are there for you day in and day out, you want to create an environment that they feel comfortable in and one they can thrive in. If we give that space for people to rise to their fullest potential, everyone will start to benefit.

The third and last thing that ties into the creating of a culture is the experience. You want all the people involved in making your business happen, from the employees to the customers, to have left your establishment feeling good. If and when we look internally at what needs to be fixed and make the proper reparations, we will begin to see that being reflected in people’s work, in revenue from people returning again and again, and a community that fully supports you because it values your values. When you project these values outward and make everyone aware of why it is you do what you do, they respect that.

You can’t change the things around you, but you do have the power to change who you are and what you do. And when you take the things that matter to you and the things that you want to see change and push that out into the world, that is when we can start to make a bigger impact. This is how we pay it forward. We create these strategies, these cultures, these experiences, all to get a message across from one person to another in hopes that they share the same thoughts and we can come together.

This is how we build a business that thrives through anything. Any issue, any crisis that can possibly be thrown at you will be no match. You’ve created something that goes far beyond just selling a product or service and that is priceless.

The time to start reinventing yourself is now. And I’d like to help you with that by offering you access to my Business Growth Formula launch. This program takes everything I teach to my one-on-one clients and puts them into a lesson plan so you can start to see the same results as the people that I have worked with have. If you’re interested, just follow the link to register and get on the wait list!

If you enjoyed this episode and in some way it inspired you to start taking action, I’d love to hear about it and know your biggest take away. Send me a DM on Instagram @theresacantley and let me know what your favorite part was.  

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If there is a topic you would love me to talk about or a question you may have send it to us at theresa@theresacantley.com and we’ll feature it on one of our future episodes.


Episode 67 – Building Resilience

Episode 66 – The Power of Context

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