Episode 94 – Inventing the Future We Want


There is no way to predict the future. The only way that we can actually predict the future, is if we believe in what we want to do enough that we start to create it.

One thing we know for sure, though, is that there will always be circumstances that can impact your life in a very big way, good or bad. And owning and running a business is no different. There will always be challenges and difficult times, but what will really take you to the next level as a business and as an entrepreneur is how you show up. How do you handle these situations that get thrown at you? Do you panic and avoid them or do you face them head on and refuse to let them keep you from success?

We are all human, none of us is immune to the fates of our world. And even the best of us let those fates get to us at some point or another. Adversity in any scale is a difficult thing to navigate, but when you refuse to stop getting up when something comes and knocks you clean off your feet, you can achieve anything you want.

When we base our thinking only on our current circumstances, we can’t see all of the good that can be made from the bad that is currently occupying your mind. The reality is, to change this way of thinking requires realizing that we have a choice. A choice in how we show up for the world. A choice in whether or not we are going to work towards making the futures we dream about. The only thing standing in between you and those dreams is yourself. The sooner you realize this, the sooner you can get out of your own way and start achieving more.

If you find yourself feeling completely overwhelmed and lost when adversity strikes, think about these four things to get you on track towards a future-based mindset:

  1. What does success really mean to you? Pay attention to where your mind goes when you ask yourself this question. What are the things that pop up when you think of a successful future for yourself? These are the things you should always be keeping in focus.
  2. Is your vision crystal-clear? How does what you want to do with your business align with your definition of success? The more you let your vision be your GPS, the more you will remain on a path that leads you right where you want to be.
  3. Start setting goals for yourself. Set smaller goals that you can easily break down throughout your day and can be completed. Align these goals back to your idea of success, or your vision, as well. If the things you are working on daily, weekly, monthly don’t align with that, then how can you expect to reach it by doing these things?
  4. Have a mantra. “Believe in you.” “You got this.” “Never give up.” Whatever it is, whatever mantra will speak to you and get you back on track, say it to yourself whenever things get tough and let it remind you of all of the reasons why you started this business and that you aren’t going to give up for anything.

If you enjoyed this episode and in some way it inspired you to start taking action, I’d love to hear about it and know your biggest take away. Send me a DM on Instagram @theresacantley and let me know what your favorite part was.  

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If there is a topic you would love me to talk about or a question you may have send it to us at theresa@theresacantley.com and we’ll feature it on one of our future episodes.

Don’t forget to take advantage of my FREE download, 10 Tips Towards Massive Growth, to learn how to jump-start your business to get back on it’s track towards success.

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Episode 93 – The Truth About Loss

Episode 92 – Don’t Leave Your Growth to Randomness | How creating processes can scale your business faster.

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