Don't Fear Failure

Holding onto your fear of failure will prevent you from doing this…

The best thing my mom ever taught me is it doesn’t matter what everyone else is doing, what matters is that you be the best YOU.

I was one of those kids who was a dreamer.  A BIG dreamer.

First I wanted to be a famous actress.  Next I wanted to be a famous choreographer.  Then I wanted to be a Fashion Designer.

In design school I had even BIGGER dreams than before.  My mentors from a far were Coco Chanel, Vera Wang and Donna Karan.  And then it happened. One of my design instructors told me “you don’t have what it takes Theresa”.  And for a while I listened to him.

If you’ve experienced rejection than lean in a little closer.  Holding onto your fear of failure will prevent you from achieving the success you were meant to achieve.

If you can imagine it, you can dream it, you can visualize it, you can become it and most of all YOU CAN DO IT! But you must be willing to give something up that you’ve been holding a tight grasp on and afraid to let it go. Are you holding onto fear of failure, fear of being judged, the thought that it must be perfect before you put it out into the world. If you are, I see you and I get it.⠀

I held onto the fear of being judged for many years and it only brought me more fear and kept me “stuck” in the same place. I had BIG dreams and goals when I left my corporate job. They were all written out on big sheets of paper all over office walls or in tons of notebooks. But that fear kept me from being able to move forward and make it all happen. It kept me from doing the thing I LOVE the most, connecting with YOU and helping YOU achieve more in your business and your life. ⠀

I’ve almost given up on my ideas, my dreams and my creations many times over because of rejection. But then I talk to my Mom and she always reminds me of what she’s told me all along.

If you’re going to start something, start something that matters. If you’re going to create something, create something that is meaningful. If you’re dreaming, dream big. But most important don’t stop there and don’t let anything hold you back, including the fear of what others may think. Don’t wait until you have all the answers to get started or until you “think” you have the courage to do it. Just get out there and make it happen. Taking action will create the clarity you need. ⠀

Besides, if you’re here and you’re reading this I know your belief in your dream is far outweighs what people might think or say.

The world needs creativity, empathy and new perspectives because who wants the same old things anyway. So don’t give up, never give up. And when the world is negative and not accepting of who you are and what you’ve created with that amazing mind, heart and soul of yours, take the lemons they’re throwing at you and don’t make lemonade. Make something new the world has never seen before…or just make limoncello. Limoncello always makes everything look better.

I’m here to tell you, don’t give up, never give up on your ideas, creations and dreams no matter what anyone else thinks.

Be a stand for your dreams. Be a stand for making a difference. Push past the fear, grab a match and light up your fire. ⠀

So go on, shine your light.


PS – Join me inside my NEW Facebook Group where I’ll be sharing super fabulous, insanely good tips on building your team, defining your brand and overcoming obstacles that are thrown your way on this journey of entrepreneurship.  I’ll also be doing live Q&A’s where you can ask me anything. Click here to request access and I’ll see you inside!

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