business resposibility

Episode 144 – Taking Radical Responsibility in Your Business

As entrepreneurs, we are in the business of providing value to our customers, in one way or another. Whether it’s our products, our services, the environment in which our business operates, or a combination, we are trying to give people the best experience that we can. And that takes being radically responsible for our actions.

When you say you are going to do something, follow through. If an employee is struggling with a task, help them course correct or solve the issue. If there is an issue that can only be solved by letting someone go or having somebody else take over that role, you need to make that call. Taking responsibility for your business and it’s functions is the only way to ensure that it will be headed in the right direction.

Being responsible doesn’t mean doing everything yourself. But it does mean having the integrity to realize when something isn’t flowing and take the proper action to get it back on track. If the vision you have for your business is not aligned with your actions and steps to get there, it will only ever be just a vision and never your reality.

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