One of the biggest issues business owners across the country are struggling with right now is maintaining their staff. There are many pitfalls that we can find ourselves falling into when hiring and keeping our good employees, and these are the top 3 that I see most people dealing with:
- You don’t need to hire within your industry. The person you need to fill a specific role can look like a hundred different things, and the right one might not already have experience in this specific field, but they can learn, and once they are taught, can end up being the best employee you’ve ever had. It’s okay to look outside the box.
- You don’t need to hire for specific skills. Going along with the first pitfall, skills can be taught to the right person. Just because they don’t already possess a specific skill set does not mean they cannot learn and become the best at it. Keep an open mind.
- You’re being interviewed as much as you are being the interviewer. You as a business owner should be creating an environment that people want to work in. An interview is not solely about finding the right person to work for you, but getting the right person to want to work for you as well. When somebody enjoys their role and the company they work for, you’ll see them perform better than ever before.
What hiring good employees really comes down to is figuring out what the person who’s role you need filled looks like and creating a culture and environment that is going to support that person’s needs so that they can have the space to rise to their fullest potential in that role.
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