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Episode 171 – Are You a Captain or a Leader?

leadership development

I’ve been to my fair share of masterminds over the years. Some have stuck with me, others not so much. On one particular trip with Bo Eason, I was encouraged to tell my story of how I got to be where I am today in front of not just the other attendees, but also have it recorded to share with the rest of the world, and it was a pivotal moment for me as a business owner and as a human being. 

It wasn’t always easy for me to be my true self. Often times I molded myself to fit other’s needs and desires, shoving the real me down until she could no longer be heard. But over time, through many revelations and breakthroughs, I slowly learned how to stop clouding my mind with that sort of thinking and to really step into myself. To no longer hide the real me for fear of failure. 

I consider myself to be a leader, and there are many other leaders of all kinds out there. However, just being called a “leader” doesn’t automatically make you great or all-knowing. That part comes when you fully step into that role and become the captain of your life. You have to learn to be honest with yourself; about what you want and all the reasons why. Once you gain the tools and qualities to breakdown all of the falsities and see the grander visions, to see the highest potential in people who can’t see it themselves and help them rise to it, you become that great leader. 

If you enjoyed this episode and, in some way, it inspired you to start taking action, I’d love to hear about it and know your biggest take away. Send me a DM on Instagram @theresacantley and let me know what your favorite part was. 

I would also love if you subscribed to the podcast and left a review at https://theresacantley.com/itunes 

If there is a topic you would love me to talk about or a question you may have send it to us at theresa@theresacantley.com and we’ll feature it on one of our future episodes. 

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