Episode 100 – Building Your Legacy – An Interview with Mel Abraham


Mel Abraham: The man who has been my mentor for several years, pushes me out of my comfort zone, and believes in me even when I don’t believe in myself. He’s helped me discover strengths in myself that I never even realized I had. And today I got to interview him.

Though he started out his professional career as a CPA, Mel always felt he had an entrepreneurial streak inside him. Even as a child, he would think to himself “How cool would it be to make money doing the things you love?” This thought stayed with him throughout his life, always there reminding him what’s really important. He paid his dues, worked for the big firms and got the experience he needed, and eventually started his own firm.

But in this time, he kept a close attention to the people he would come across. All around him, they seemed to be unhappy; their jobs, their lives. Was this really it? Is this all there is to life? Mel knew the answer, but he wanted to make it so that they could too. Your dreams don’t have to just be dreams, they can become your reality.

This is when he stepped into the space of a Thought Leader. One who takes all of his experiences and knowledge from his own journey, and relates it back to how he can use that to motivate people into bringing their own aspirations to light. At the beginning, he had to build a name for himself, so he started writing articles, books, doing public speaking, all for free just to get his word out to other CPAs on how they could build bigger and better practices. After a little while, he started to catch wind and landed a couple paid speaking gigs, but he still wasn’t satisfied with where he was. He didn’t want to just work with CPAs and attorneys, he wanted to work with entrepreneurs. So, taking the experience he already had, Mel set out to gain more in all kinds of fields so he could help all kinds of business owners.

Many years and speeches later, successful entrepreneurs around the world have Mel to thank. But he isn’t about to slow down now. His latest program is called the Affluence Blueprint and it’s aim is to get business owners to not only be the CEO of their business, but also of their wealth. Too often do people put all of their money into their business, and that’s a good way to keep it up and running, but when it becomes our sole source of wealth and tragedy strikes, we’re left in the dust. The answer is to shift the focus from just “making money” to what lifestyle is it I want to live, how much does that cost, and how can I get there without the fear of it being taken away overnight?

Money is an outcome, but it shouldn’t be the purpose. What is it that drives you? Where do you want that to take you in life? These are the questions we need to think long and hard about when it comes to being an entrepreneur. Money comes and money goes, the stock market rises and falls, but if you aren’t truly happy doing what it is you do, no amount of wealth is going to fix that. Taking the time to dig deep and figure out your goals, your values, and how you plan on achieving them is what Mel’s new program, The Affluence Blueprint is all about.

What is it that you want to be known for? What difference do you want to make in this lifetime? The answer to these questions are what’s known as your legacy. With every move and decision you make, you are creating your legacy. Make sure the reasons you are known and remembered in the generations to come are ones you’d be proud of, ones you fought hard to make a reality. There’s simply no time to be wasted on anything less than the life you wish to live.

For Mel, he wants his legacy to be that he was there for people. He was a listening ear, a word of encouragement or advice, a teacher for future generations. To be able to have helped just one person that then gets passed down for years to come, from one person to next, is more than he can ask for in this lifetime. But he plans on continuing to help as many people as he can, for as long as he can.

To download a transcription of this episode click here.

Mel’s Website

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