Business Growth Strategist

Your best friend: the editorial calendar


My name is Theresa Cantley and I’m a marketing and business development coach. I’m here to help you figure out what you want to do… AND to help you determine actionable steps to move your big dream forward! I so often get the question, “What is an editorial calendar?”

Well, funny you should ask.

An editorial calendar is going to be your best friend and biggest tool in your business moving forward. It helps you to curate content for your business. One of the most important things when you have your own business is to make sure you are putting great content out there for your ideal customer, to the people who want to hear from you and learn from you. You want to put quality content out there consistently. So what the editorial calendar does is, it brings your best stuff, the things that you know are going to connect to your customers, all together into one spot. Then you can pull from that content and create larger pieces of content, you can create social media posts, and smaller pieces of content using that editorial calendar.

An editorial calendar keeps your content fresh. It also prevents you from struggling…(Psst! Have you ever thought, “Oh my gosh, I have to write a social media post and I don’t know what to write about.”?) That’s what the editorial calendar is for. For anybody who works with me, this is a key piece we start with. We use it when we start creating the content piece of what you do and discuss how you’re going to get it out there. We also start working on it when we’re developing a platform–your jumping-off point to get your message out there.

I hope this makes sense and you can see just how an editorial calendar can become your best friend. I look forward to talking with you soon. If you’re looking for more great tips, jump over to Instagram or Facebook and follow Theresa Cantley. Coming soon I have a whole new series, on how to brainstorm out all your ideas and how to set your goals and make your daily to-do list so that you can get things done and move even closer to your goals. Have a beautiful day! #qualitycontent #editorialcalendar #bigdream #socialmediasuccess

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