Episode 56 – Are You Interested or Committed?

As I said in last week’s episode, I think all of this is happening for a reason. Those of us that see it this way and act accordingly will not only get through this, but we will soar. Those that act out of fear and scarcity tend to make rash decisions that, in the long run, don’t work in their favor. If we take this time to sit back and look at the world a little differently, we just might find new ways of running our business that we’ve never thought of before.

Which brings me to this week’s topic that I’ve discussed in the past, but feel it applies here very well: are you simply interested in an idea or are you committed to it? These past few weeks have been filled with my clients contacting me and freaking out. They are in such a panic that they are sort of just throwing stuff out there to see what sticks without really putting a solid plan behind it.

Everything happening right now, it’s all new to us. But it’s sort of this “new normal” that could possibly change the world as we know it and it’s important that we adapt to it. When sitting and thinking of new ways to bring in business amidst a quarantine, you must also think of how it will pan out for the future. This will pass, and when it does, you want to be ready then, too.

Interest gets us started, commitment takes us all the way there. If your only current interest is “making money” or “staying open”, that shows to the community. Your fear comes through your actions. When you look at things more closely and put together a strategy for yourself that you can commit to and follow through on until you reach your goal, that is what will carry you through. Trying to take shortcuts and half-assing always leads to us just starting at the beginning again anyway, right? Without a strong foundation behind anything, it tends to crumble and fall.

What’s behind commitment? Intention, vision, drive, focus. All these things are what fuel our actions that work towards our commitments. Be aware and educated about the present, but always be thinking about the future. Always be working towards this larger goal and not get stuck focusing on what your current situation is. Adversity comes from anything and everything and you have to face that head on each and every time if you want to come out better on the other side.

I have a free download if you want to get some ideas to kind of help you get started on some new stuff that you want to do, some new things that you want to commit to in your business. You can download My 10 Secrets To Massive Growth that will walk you through some actionable steps for each thing of what you can start doing right here, right now to recommit and to stay committed so that you can see the results that you want to see in your business.

If you enjoyed this episode and in some way, it inspired you to start taking action, I’d love to hear about it and know your biggest takeaway. Send me a DM on Instagram @theresacantley and let me know what your favorite part was.

I would also love if you subscribed to the podcast and left a review at https://theresacantley.com/itunes

If there is a topic you would love me to talk about or a question you may have, send it to us at theresa@theresacantley.com and we’ll feature it on one of our future episodes.


To download a transcription of this episode click here.

Episode 55 – Leading in the Face of Fear to Find the Calm in the Storm

Episode 54 – Being Popular Is A Distraction For Being Exceptional

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