Business Growth Strategist

5 Strategies to Stay Consistent and Accomplish Anything

Welcome, I am so glad that you’re here! 

Today’s topic is something that’s been coming up a lot as a theme and it’s all about consistency. If you think about it, consistency is the key to anything. When you learn how to be consistent, and when you are consistent, you can achieve everything you want to do. The rewards of being consistent are ginormous. Most often, when I’m talking to people about being consistent, it’s in reference to brand consistency, making sure that you’re sharing consistent content online.

But today’s topic is geared for anybody, for people who just want to learn how to achieve goals. In my early years, consistency is something I struggled with for a while. I was the kind of person who just flew by the seat of my pants and was just trying to accomplish things with crazy to-do lists. What was happening was, I wasn’t being consistent, I was here, I was there, I was trying to be everywhere. I ended up spinning my wheels and going in circles.

I have to give credit where credit is due. Learning how to stay motivated and consistent came from one of my mentors, Marie Forleo. She said,

“Success doesn’t come from something you’re doing occasionally, it comes from what you do consistently.”

I thought about that for a little and it makes so much sense. Because, if you’re just doing something occasionally, you’re never going to get better at it, you’re never going to move forward with it, it’s just kind of there. But if you do something consistently and you’re putting effort into it, (Let’s say you’re in a sport or want to learn computers) you’re going to get better, you’re going to learn, you’re going to grow. I thought back to my martial arts days, and I wasn’t fabulous at it, but I loved it. Even though I’d get frustrated, I’d show up for every single class, for every single test, and I did get better at it, I did improve.

So today, I’m going to share with you five key strategies that I’ve learned to help me be consistent and stay consistent. Please share if you know someone this can help. Spread the love! 

  1. Show up every day no matter what! We sometimes have the voice in our head that says “I don’t feel like doing this.” Or even “I can’t do this.” Then you start to believe that voice and say, “Oh, maybe I shouldn’t.” Or “I’ll do that tomorrow.” You need to quiet that voice and show up every day. If you have a bad day and you fall down, get back up. Start again.
  2. Have a non-negotiable morning routine that includes planning and prioritizing your day in advance. This keeps you consistent, if you have a goal and you know how to break it down into tasks. You know these are the top three things I’m going to do today to move me forward toward my goal. When you plan it in advance, it takes that stress away. When you have your priorities set, you know what you need to work on. I have a program that teaches you how to plan your day!
  3. Focus on one thing at a time. When you’re working during the day, try to block your day into 50-minute chunks, almost like when you were in school. Focus on one thing at a time. Research has shown that multitasking is not healthy and not good for you. Focusing on one thing at a time, then moving on to the next thing keeps your brain healthy. Focusing on one goal at a time, then move on to the next one. This keeps you moving forward, it keeps you motivated.
  4. Creating smart systems to get things done, especially if you’re a business owner/entrepreneur. Make sure you have a strong system that keeps you consistent with customers and with yourself. Think about systems that you can create in your life. Even the steps you can create when you wake up in the morning, to get yourself going for the day. If you’re a business owner, create a system to get content created and out the door, to keep customers engaged.
  5. Really getting clear on your “Why” and connecting back to it. If you are crystal clear on why you’re doing something, you are going to see it through. Your why is your intention behind what you’re doing; and it’s why you’re passionate about doing something. That is going to keep you consistent. If you’re starting a business, maybe your why is that you want to put money into a college fund for your kids, or your why could be that you want to help people heal from movement. Those are strong whys. It’s beautiful when you can connect to your why.

“Success doesn’t come from what you do occasionally, it comes from what you do consistently.”

~Marie Forleo 

Thank you, Marie Forleo for teaching me to be consistent. I hope this has helped you!

Stay consistent, stay on your game, and keep going. Don’t let fear or struggle slow you down… because on the other side of that are amazing things. Check out my new program that’s all about how to stay motivated, how to be productive. Motivation is the key to getting anything done.

Thanks for coming by! Have a wonderful day.

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