leadership development

Systematize & Automate

Now more than ever, people tend to think that as long as they have revenue coming in, the issues that are present in their business will kind of fix themselves. They function in a state of “if I had this, then that” and the problem is, things just don’t work that way and a lot of people end up stuck.

The trick is to look at where it is you need to be right now. Not tomorrow, or next week, or some unforeseeable future we know nothing about. But here, today, right now. Who do you need to be to accomplish the things you want to see in your business?

Take a look at some entrepreneurs that you know, the top-earners and most successful in their fields. How do they show up? How do they present themselves to the world and carry on with their day so that their business can be the successful entity that it is? What you’ll find is that, yes, they produce a lot of revenue, but most of these people have put systems and processes and automations into place that make it so that when this cash flow does come in, everything is in its place to be streamlined and scaled without giving them extra work and stresses.

I tell all of my clients about the importance of systems and processes, but I almost always get push-back. They think it’s a waste of time and can’t be bothered with setting any of that up for themselves when, in reality, doing anything else without this structure is most certainly a waste of their time. A business with no backbone or flow to how things are done will inevitably collapse in on itself regardless of the revenue you have coming in.

Money always helps, sure, but what your business needs even more than cash to be successful is that aforementioned structure that is the base of how things function day-to-day. Without it, you’ll be running an unorganized, chaotic mess which inevitably leads to a stressed-out, tired, and overwhelmed leader, and that trickles down to every inch of your business.

My advice to you to avoid being beaten down by your own hopes and dreams is to just make it easier for yourself, and everyone else for that matter. Look at where your business needs work, look at where its holes are. Figure out why it isn’t working the way you’re doing it now and try it a new way. Put systems into place so that when one obstacle comes up, you already have a plan for how to tackle it and your staff can all be on the same page with who does what and when. Develop processes for daily functions and communicate them out to everyone so they can do their jobs and you can do yours with as little confusion, stress, or distractions getting in the way.

When things run smoothly for all, everyone can get more done, and get better things cooking. Clear the fog that is blurring the vision of success you have for yourself and get back to only moving forward and up towards reaching your goals.

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