Entrepreneur Mindset

Simple Steps to Start Creating Good Daily Habits

As a business owner or entrepreneur, we can get pulled in different directions.  Our e-mail can rule our lives, we get caught in the swirl of overwhelm… and often times we find ourselves focusing on multiple things at once, only to find at the end of the day absolutely nothing got done.  What happens as a result of all of this?  We lose our motivation, our “mojo,” we veer off our path into the woods, and sometimes burnout even sets in (That is definitely not a place you want to be!).

What I have found in working with many of my mentors, to genuinely and truly stay motivated to move any idea, strategy, or goal forward; you need to learn how to focus on “what” you are doing in the present moment instead of stressing about everything along the way.   Learning how to tune out distractions and things that keep us “busy,” and focusing on what will continue to move us forward is so important to keeping our “mojo” flowing.  If you create habits that you can stick to every day that will push you forward, you can build unbelievable momentum and stay super focused towards any goal you have been wanting to achieve.

So how do you start? 

When I was first starting out in my entrepreneurial journey, I was all over the place and kind of “fly by the seat of my pants.”  What saved me early on in my journey was learning how to create a system in the morning that cleared my mind, got me energized, and set me up for success the rest of the day.  Creating a non-negotiable, daily morning routine was one of the best things I ever did and has helped me to create the success I’ve experienced in my own business.  The key to it, though, is finding something you can stick to and be consistent in following every single day (well, 85-90% of the time).  Whatever system you create, make it work for YOU.  Anyone can give you recommendations, but only you know what will work for your life.  This system gets my mind and body energized and ready while also creating a strategy to remove unnecessary distractions and focus on what is really important.

So what does a morning routine look like?

First, always start your day with GRATITUDE.  The fact that you opened your eyes, you’re breathing, you sat up in bed and put your feet on the ground is reason to be grateful.  Focusing on gratitude first thing in the morning also puts you in a positive mindset…Did you know, you can’t be grateful and be in a bad mood? The human heart can’t hold gratitude and negative emotions at the same time.

Next, I always recommend activities that create “mental space” for you first thing to get your brain focused, a form of exercise to get your body energized and a strategy for your day that helps you to remove unnecessary distractions so you can focus on what is truly important.  If you do this you will quickly find that you have more time in your day to do the things that really matter.

Creating “mental white space” might include:

  • Meditation
  • Reading a passage in the Bible
  • Praying
  • Reading a chapter from a motivational book
  • Journaling

Activities to energize your body might include:

  • Walking
  • Aerobic activity
  • Strength training
  • Yoga
  • Jogging

Strategizing your day might look like…

  • Reviewing your daily “to do” list
  • De-committing from appointments and activities on your calendar
  • Prioritizing the things that absolutely must get done that day
  • Scheduling in time to create “white space” in your day

Whatever routine you choose, make it work for you and make sure it is non-negotiable (90% of the time).  The key is to create something that will work for your life and that you can stay consistent.  There isn’t a “one size fits all”, it’s about designing something that is right for your life.

Are you interested in learning more about how to stay motivated so you can be more productive each and every day?  Want to learn how to create systems that work for YOU to get things done? Join me in my new course “Master Your Motivation” and learn to be more organized and focused to achieve more.

Registration for “Master Your Motivation” opens tomorrow!

Take a look inside the course and see for yourself!


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