Episode 86 - Build It and They Will Come

Episode 86 – Don’t Get Stuck in the “Build It and They Will Come” Mindset


We’ve probably all heard it before, or at least thought about it, especially early on in our business ventures. The movie Field of Dreams made the line famous, but when we aren’t talking about cornfields, “build it and they will come” doesn’t necessarily apply. “All I’ve got to do is open up shop and the customers will flood in. Piece of cake.” you may have thought to yourself. But nothing is ever that easy.

When my business partner and I first began building our brick-and-mortar store, we faced the same problem. We had already built up our business online enough so that we thought a storefront would be the next step. It had enough success that we figured all that needed to happen was that we open up and the rest will just fall into place. Silly us. The first day we opened our doors we didn’t have a single person show up. It was a huge letdown, but inevitably taught us a valuable lesson.

It’s very rare when opening up a new business that people will just flock to you on their own account, that is, unless you are some franchise or chain establishment that people already know about. Prior advertising and marketing can help, but that comes with a rather large price tag. One of the most important things you can do to attract more clientele, is to just do a bit of research. Find out who your target customer is and what is it that they would like to see? You might have an idea that you like and you think other people will like, but unless you are actively researching what it is other people want to see, you just have a business that you like.

Once you find out what it is really going to take to get people through your doors, that is when you can begin marketing and advertising in a more refined way that will actually bring people in and not waste your money. There’s no big secret or trick to getting more customers. It’s as simple as finding out what they want and giving it to them.

Your customers are not walking dollar signs. They are people like you who have wants and needs, and it may end in them giving you their money, but what you really want to be always focusing on is their desires. How does your business serve to help people? What are you supplying them with that no one else can? Don’t just build a store, build relationships and trust and connection with those around you and you will be wealthier than you could have ever imagined.

If you enjoyed this episode and in some way it inspired you to start taking action, I’d love to hear about it and know your biggest take away. Send me a DM on Instagram @theresacantley and let me know what your favorite part was.  

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If there is a topic you would love me to talk about or a question you may have send it to us at theresa@theresacantley.com and we’ll feature it on one of our future episodes.

Don’t forget to take advantage of my FREE download, 10 Tips Towards Massive Growth, to learn how to jump-start your business to get back on it’s track towards success.

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Episode 85 – Creating a Vision for Your Business Not Based on Current Circumstances

Episode 84 – Shining a Light on Mental Wellness | A Talk with Seamus Kelleher

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